The Influence of Romanticism on Joseph Mallord William Turner

Known as William Turner in the time of his life, the painter was well-known for his turbulence and violent marine paintings. He was also known for his expressive colouring and imaginative landscapes.

Joseph-mallord William Turner

Early life

During the late 1700s, Joseph Mallord William Turner was one of the most celebrated landscape painters in Britain. Often described as a “painter of light,” his paintings combine the vast mountains and rivers of the countryside with the drama of storms. In his later works, the painter developed a style characterized by expressionistic use of color and light. His works are among the most influential of nineteenth-century British art.

Joseph Mallord William Turner was born in London on April 23, 1775. He was the son of a barber and a wigmaker. He lived in a small town called Brentford, which is west of London on the banks of the Thames. He began his artistic career by coloring engraved plates.

Turner was inspired by the work of Welsh landscape painter Richard Wilson. He was also influenced by the historical paintings of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. He was encouraged by the members of the Royal Academy to focus on painting. He studied under topographical draughtsman Thomas Malton. His early paintings are architectural studies.

When Turner was fifteen, his first watercolour was accepted for the Royal Academy’s summer exhibition. He was also admitted to the RA’s Life Class the following year. He was a full member of the Royal Academy in 1802.

During his early years, Turner was a wigmaker and barber. He showed interest in architecture and poetry. He became increasingly unstable in later years. He was a short-tempered person and had many quarrels with his mother. Eventually, she became a mental patient. During this time, she suffered from bouts of depression.


During his lifetime, Joseph Mallord William Turner’s name became synonymous with “the painter of light”. His paintings were known for their use of brilliant colour and their ability to convey powerful images with little detail. He was a major British artist and his work is now represented in museums throughout the world.

As a child, Joseph Mallord William Turner attended a school in Brentford, Middlesex. He developed a fascination for nature and the powers of the elements. He began to experiment with his own unique style of landscape painting.

In 1798, he began to include quotes from Milton in his works. He also included some of Lord Byron’s poetry. He began to include quotations from other poets as well. He also created sketches of an earl’s house and gardens. He also worked with a topographical draughtsman, Thomas Hardwick.

In 1815, after the peace treaty, Turner traveled abroad. He visited Italy and the Rhine. He returned home in the mid-1820s. This trip marked a major improvement in his style.

After a brief period in Florence, he toured Rome and Venice. He also visited the earl of Egremont’s estate in Petworth, Sussex. He also painted a series of pictures inspired by Italy.

In 1819, he traveled to Naples. He spent three months in Rome. His first trip to Italy marked a huge advance in his style. He had many influences, including a topographical draughtsman and a 17th century Dutch painter.

Influence of Impressionism

During his lifetime, Joseph Mallord William Turner was one of the most influential painters in Britain. His paintings have inspired generations of artists. His light-filled Romantic landscapes are often considered a precursor to Impressionism.

He was born in London in April 1775. He began sketching as a child. He joined the Royal Academy of Arts in 1789. In 1819, Turner made a trip to Italy, where he studied Italian art. He later traveled to France and Switzerland. Then, after the Napoleonic Wars, he returned home.

After the peace, Turner began traveling again. He spent three months in Rome, and visited Florence and Venice. These trips greatly affected his work. He made over 400 drawings.

During this time, he also studied the works of the Old Masters. He became fascinated with the power of nature. He reflected on the increasing importance of individual experience in the era of Enlightenment. He was particularly inspired by the city of Venice.

By the end of his career, he had developed his own style. His early paintings showed his interest in detail and atmosphere. He paid special attention to architectural details. His first oil painting, Fishermen at Sea, established his career as an artist of maritime scenes.

As a painter, he experimented with many landscape styles. He tried to incorporate the realistic pictorial techniques of the classical era into his own. He worked to achieve a poetic and fluid approach to landscape.

Travels abroad

During the late 1700s and early 1800s, Joseph Mallord William Turner traveled extensively throughout Europe. He was especially interested in the romantic Swiss Alps. The area’s untamed natural beauty was considered dangerous by some. However, the area’s tourist trade was in its early stages.

In 1802, JMW Turner’s first trip abroad took him from Britain to Switzerland. A group of wealthy patrons financed his journey. They provided a small coach, a French-speaking guide, and a board.

He also visited Italy, France, and the Low Countries. In 1815, after the Napoleonic Wars, Turner was able to travel again. He completed several paintings based on his sketches. Despite his success, he was attacked by critics.

In his later years, Turner’s paintings became more fluid and atmospheric. He also incorporated modern industrial motifs into his paintings. He attributed literary quotations to his own works. This practice paved the way for future generations of visual artists.

In the late 1700s, the Napoleonic Wars made it difficult for foreign travellers to visit the British Isles. But during the war, the borders were temporarily opened to Europe. This meant that Turner was able to travel to France and Switzerland.

Travellers in the Alpine region often stayed in cloisters, simple inns, or hospices. The weather was often stormy. The roads were often blocked by snow for long periods of time. Fortunately, the steam power that the 18th century introduced greatly reduced the time it took to travel.


Several paintings are on display in Petworth House. These include a large canvas of the Madonna of the Meadow, which was painted by Giovanni Bellini, and a wood size titled The History of Joseph (Part II.). The painting was once part of the J. H. Anderdon collection. It was purchased by Florence in 1883.

In the 1790s, Turner attended a ‘Summer Exhibition’ at the Royal Academy, where his first watercolour was accepted. He then studied under topographical draughtsman Thomas Malton, who specialised in London views. Later, he copied outline prints of British abbeys. He also gained experience in coloring prints.

His imagination was sparked by shipwrecks. In the late 1800s, Turner was a frequent visitor to the home of George O’Brien Wyndham, 3rd Earl of Egremont, a wealthy and famous Sussex countryside enthusiast.

He also received instruction in architectural drafting from a variety of architects. When the Parliament burnt down in 1834, he transcribed the incident in watercolour sketches. A few years after his death, a British Parliament act allowed his works to be loaned to museums outside of London. This was a rare opportunity.

His biography was written by Andrew Wilton. He called him a “brilliant painter.” He said of his work: “Turner was an innovator who hailed as a forerunner of modernist abstraction.” He was an important figure in the development of British landscape art.

His bequest included more than 20,000 works on paper. The main part of the bequest remained in the Duveen Turner Wing at the National Gallery of British Art, and the rest was transferred to the Clore Gallery at Tate. It is now known as the Turner Bequest.

Influence of Romanticism

During the late 1700s and early 1800s, the Influence of Romanticism on Joseph-mallord William Turner was strong. His paintings showed a change in the way colors were used. He developed his own artistic style and became known as a master of landscape painting.

Romanticism influenced literature and music. It also paved the way for realistic depictions of human emotions. It was a reaction to the harsh severity of Neoclassical art. It helped artists fuel their creativity and move forward.

During the Age of Enlightenment, Europe was under a great deal of reform. It was also a time of concern for Catholic art and religion. In addition, it was a time when the industrial revolution had begun. In the United Kingdom, the economy was booming. This gave artists the impetus to explore modern life and rebellion among the common people.

Turner studied the works of many artists, including Claude Monet, Camille Pissarro, and Joseph Delaroche. He was particularly interested in the power of nature. He was fascinated by the ways in which light and colour could affect atmosphere. He was especially adept at rendering light.

After the death of his father in 1829, Turner suffered from severe depression. He tried to get help from other artists. During this time, he began to include quotes from poetry in his landscape paintings. In 1798, he included a poem by Lord Byron in his “Slave Ship”. He did not finish the poem, but it was a good starting point.